Deep Tissue Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is a non-invasive technique that helps reduce pain and inflammation in both acute and chronic conditions. Laser therapy allows your body to utilize its own healing powers by inducing a series of healing responses in your body. During treatment you will feel a soothing warmth that identifies the beginning of an 18-24 hour process of modulated cellular activity leading to decreased pain and inflammation. Most patients see results within 3 to 5 short treatments.
This pain relief treatment is FDA cleared and enables patients to have an alternative to drugs and surgery.
Laser Therapy Relieves Pain & Inflammation Associated With:
Strains / Sprains
Low Back Pain
Shoulder and Knee
Sports Injuries
Neck Pain
Disc Issues
Tendonitis and Tendonosis
Foot and Ankle Conditions
And Much More!
Watch the video below to learn more about the process of laser therapy.